Sunday, April 15, 2012

Eutopia: What it means to me!

Yep, I have YET ANOTHER blog, but this is my main one.  It has taken me a while to get to this point, something about a good titled blog obviously had something to do with it :/

I have been racking my brain on what is the one word, or two (or three) that describes me and it hit me TODAY!  Yep, just like that, BUT there is a little background and yes, I am going to give it to you! So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, or some popcorn, or some nice, and/or hot herbal tea.

So, in New Orleans on Magazine Street they had (might still be there not sure) a store named Uptopia and I TOTALLY.LOVED.IT.  It has what you could call "unique", one of a kind pieces of furniture, jewelry, clothes, and art.  It was a FUNKY happening little shop.  It spoke to my soul and defined for me everything that New Orleans stood for, UNIQUENESS!

I remember that they had this dresser that I so wanted.  It was the primary colors and metal.  It was made out of the old school gym lockers (like we had at Archbishop Blenk) and I just had to have it!    I remember feeling at ease in this shop.  I love how the artists where able to express themselves through their pieces.  I stood and imagine the escape that they experienced when making their piece(s), the oneness that they became with their art, but most of all the release of what was inside of them coming out.  Pretty much how my art is for me.

I remember staying up plenty of nights and just drawing.  I remember doing a street car scene in pastels.  I remember making a bear out of clay and painting it white with red accents.  I remember making friendship bracelets upon friendship bracelets, doing different designs in them and just doing what came out of me.  A totally escape and expression that no one could tell me I was wrong for or anything negative.

See throughout my life, I have always worked and persevered for my "Eutopia."  Sometimes I had it for a quick minute, sometimes longer, and sometimes not at all, but with each step being one step closer whether it was a forward step or a backward step in order for me to analyze or re-think my path to my Eutopia, learning every.single.step.of.the.way.

So here I am in 2012, and you could say that I pretty much have an idea of my Eutopia and I am living it.  See Eutopia means "a place in which human society, natural conditions, etc, are so ideally perfect that there is complete contentment."  I feel like I have my own little society going on over here in my "Eutopia" and I am content with just that.  It has taken me a long time to get to this constant state of Eutopia, but I would not have it any other way.

So as you can see why this is just the best title to describe me?  I mean I could have gone with several other names, but they did not define me as this one does.  I really needed a place, one place, that I could put all of my daily happenings with my children and my life at and this is the place.  

My purpose is to record our lives, but also to give something to my posterity (which is suppose to be GREAT, according to my Patriarchal Blessing).  I want generations to come to be able to have a first-hand glimpse into how our lives are.  I want them to be able to connect with their ancestry and really KNOW where they came from.  I want them to understand the traditions we have and why.  I want them to be able to understand why we eat as we do and hopefully as they will.  I do not want them to wonder about things like I do about my previous generations.

Also, I need a place to get everything, that runs through my mind when I am *trying* to sleep, OUT. Plus, I think our lives is pretty darn eventful and never a DULL MOMENT!  Nope, never! BUT, as I will probably mention a million times, I WOULD NOT CHANGE IT OR HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!

All that I ask is that you realize that these are my thoughts and not yours.  Do not judge! Read and experience our lives with us, as WE are living them and not as how YOU would live them.  If you feel the need to do that, go and blog for yourself, but leave that negative energy somewhere else.  I am not perfect and would never claim to be, but at the same time this my Eutopia and I am quite content with it!

I also challenge you, if you are not there, to find your "Eutopia!"